The Sun Express ~ 27 Stations to Redemption

About This Project

The Sun Express ~ 27 Stations to Redemption


By Pilar Vélez


The Sun Express 27 Stations to redemption is an exceptional literary chronicle gift. It is the literature of personalized violence, which exemplifies Jorge Luis Borges’ postulate that states that all good literature is ultimately biographical. It is a definite example of the Colombian narrative of giving literary testimony to experiences in complex family life, and the subsistence of displacement in the context of ‘sicarios.’ These are striking texts that combine tales of daily life and traumatic events, descriptions of customs, and philosophical-experiential reflections in the process of psychological and existential catharsis. The connotations in this novel are realistic and symbolic, but they vividly show the theory of Tomás Eloy Martínez that reality is sometimes more fictional than fiction itselfThe Sun Express 27 Stations to redemption is a poignant, touching gift in the first person that inspires personal growth and the improvement of the society in which we travel.

Luis Alberto Ambroggio
Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española